Privacy protection

Statement of ELEKTROMAX on the protection of personal data

By providing (entering) your personal data, you agree that we at ELEKTROMAX process, use and store it in the manner described in this Statement.
We want to justify your trust and your privacy is important to us. Therefore, we do everything to protect your personal data from unauthorized and unintended use, in accordance with the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data.
With this statement, we want to inform you how and what personal data we collect, for what purposes we use it and how we store it, and how you can exercise your rights in relation to your personal data.

What personal data do we collect and on what basis?

We collect only those personal data that are necessary for us to achieve the purpose for which you entrust us with your personal data. We collect and process personal data in order to fulfill our legal (prescribed) obligations, take actions at your request for the purpose of concluding and fulfilling contracts, and to comply with your consents.

Purposes of collecting and storing personal data

When selling our products and services, directly, by mail or by e-mail, we will ask you for the information we need to fulfill your order and our obligations according to the regulations of the Republic of Croatia. We will use personal data from your orders exclusively for their realization, and we will keep them in our records in accordance with the prescribed retention periods.

Use and transfer of personal data

We will use your personal data exclusively for the purposes for which you have given us your consent. We will not sell, transfer or otherwise assign them to unrelated third parties and will only use them in accordance with this Statement. 
However, we would like to warn you that in the performance of our activities we use partners and subcontractors for work that we do not do ourselves. When necessary, we provide them with information that may include your personal data. For example, the Croatian Post or delivery service must know your name and address in order to be able to deliver the products you ordered. Also, when paying, we forward your data to the banks.
We provide partners and subcontractors with only those personal data that are necessary for the performance of their work, and we oblige them to keep and protect your personal data with confidentiality statements in order to make sure that your privacy is protected even in these situations.
In addition, we may disclose personal information only in accordance with legal obligations.

Protection of your rights in relation to personal data

Za zaštitu prava u vezi s osobnim podacima koje ste nam povjerili možete se obratiti pisanim putem na našu adresu ili elektroničkom poštom na Odgovoriti ćemo vam u najkraćem mogućem roku. Također, imate pravo podnijeti prigovor Agenciji za zaštitu osobnih podataka.

Amendments to the Personal Data Protection Statement

From time to time, we will improve and refine this Statement on the Protection of Personal Data, so we recommend that you review it regularly on our website, in order to find out all changes and additions.